Speeding Tickets

All speeding tickets, for speeding more than fifteen (15) kilometres per hour have demerit points.

Demerit Points & Speeding

The accumulation of demerit points from speeding tickets, can have significant implications for drivers, particularly those holding G1 and G2 novice driver licences.

In Ontario, demerit points are accumulated rather than lost for traffic and speeding tickets. The accumulation of demerit points can result in licence suspensions which can dramatically affect insurance rates.

Different drivers are suspended at different levels, such as novice drivers subject to a 30 days suspension at 4 demerit points.

Demerit Points: Impact of Speeding Tickets on Drivers

In Ontario, the repercussions of receiving demerit points from speeding tickets vary based on the class of your driver’s licence.

The Ministry of Transportation of Ontario oversees the demerit point system and takes different actions depending on the severity of the offense and the type of licence you hold:

  • Immediate Licence Suspension: For certain serious speeding offenses, the Ministry has the authority to immediately suspend a driver’s licence. This is often the case for significantly excessive speeding.
  • Warning Letters for Accumulated Points: If you accumulate a certain number of demerit points from speeding tickets, the Ministry may send a warning letter. This serves as a notice to the driver about their point accumulation and the potential consequences if it continues.
  • Mandatory Licence Interviews: In some cases, drivers may be summoned for a licence review interview. This is particularly common when a driver reaches a specific demerit point threshold, signaling the need for a review of their driving habits.

The impact of demerit points from speeding tickets can differ significantly for different licence classes. For instance, novice drivers with G1 and G2 licences often face stricter consequences for the same offenses compared to those holding a full G licence.

This distinction is crucial for understanding how individual driving actions can affect your driving privileges in Ontario. Being aware of these differences can help drivers, especially those new to driving, make more informed decisions on the road.

Demerit Points for Speeding Violations

In Ontario, the demerit points assigned for speeding depend on how much the driver exceeds the speed limit:

  • Speeding 0-15km/h Above the Limit: For speeds within this range above the speed limit, no demerit points are assigned.
  • Speeding 16 to 29km/h Over the Limit: If a driver is caught speeding within this bracket, they receive 3 demerit points.
  • Speeding 30 to 49km/h Beyond the Limit: Speeding in this range results in the accrual of 4 demerit points.
  • Speeding 50km/h or More Above the Limit: This is considered a serious violation, attracting 6 demerit points.

These tiered demerit points for different speeding ranges emphasize the increasing severity of the violation and its potential impact on road safety. Understanding this gradation helps drivers gauge the consequences of speeding and encourages adherence to speed limits.

Consequences of Speeding for Novice Drivers

Holding a G1 or G2 licence in Ontario comes with stringent rules, particularly concerning speeding:

  • Exceeding Speed Limits Significantly: If a G1 or G2 licence holder is caught speeding more than 29km/h over the limit, they face severe consequences. Upon either being convicted in court or opting to pay the ticket, these novice drivers are subject to an immediate suspension of their licence for 30 days.
  • Demerit Point Accumulation: For these novice drivers, the accumulation of demerit points is closely monitored. Reaching a total of 6 demerit points triggers another serious penalty – a 30-day licence suspension. This rule underscores the importance of adhering to speed limits and traffic laws for new drivers.

These measures emphasize the heightened responsibility placed on novice drivers in Ontario to maintain safe driving practices, especially in terms of speed management. The repercussions of not adhering to these rules are substantial, affecting both their driving privileges and their progression towards a full licence.

When Speeding Tickets Appear on the Licence

Recording Convictions: Demerit Points from Speeding Tickets on Driver’s

In Ontario, the process of how and when demerit points and convictions from speeding tickets are recorded on a driver’s licence follows specific guidelines:

  • Addition of Demerit Points: Demerit points are officially added to a driver’s licence only under two conditions: either after the driver is convicted for the speeding ticket in court, or when the ticket is paid by the driver. This procedure ensures that points are only recorded following a formal acknowledgment of the traffic violation.
  • Delaying Points on Record: Drivers have the opportunity to influence the timing of when these points are recorded on their driving record. By applying for a trial date, a driver can delay the addition of demerit points. This delay can range from three to twelve months from the date of the offence, depending on the court’s schedule.
  • Duration of Points on Record: Once added, demerit points remain on the driving record or abstract for two years from the date the ticket was issued. However, it’s important to note that these points are only added after either a conviction is secured or the ticket is paid.
  • Conviction Duration on Record: The conviction related to a speeding ticket, often referred to as a “line on your abstract,” is maintained on the driving record for three years. This duration is counted from either the date of the court ruling or from the date the ticket was paid, whichever applies.
  • Point Limit for Class G Licence Holders: Holders of a Class G driver’s licence in Ontario are permitted to accumulate a total of up to 15 demerit points before facing potential suspension or other driving penalties.

Understanding these specifics about how convictions and demerit points from speeding tickets are recorded is crucial for drivers. It not only helps in managing one’s driving record but also informs drivers about how they can potentially mitigate the impact of speeding tickets on their driving privileges.